Wij willen onze bezoeker waarschuwen voor de aanbieder icelotto. Zij bieden al jaren online loten aan voor diverse Europese loterijen als Euro Millions, Powerball USA maar ook loten als Spaanse en Italiaanse lotto’s.
Uit reacties van onze bezoekers en ook reviews van Trustpilot maken wij op dat ze sjoemelen met de loten en dat ze ook niet altijd uitkeren.
Wij raden daarom aan om geen zaken met icelotto te doen, zij komen niet betrouwbaar.
Voorbeelden van reviews van 2017
Ice lotto never delivered on promises and took food out of my 4 kids mouths
Ice lotto contacted me about a promotion they had going says that 75% of their clients using this system had won big over $45,000 also he said if I didn’t win a significant amount everything would be refunded to me, so it was a win situation all I had to do was tell 3 people.
Yes Icelotto is a scam.
They take your money eg $20 then pay you a ‘win’ which is really just a very small portion eg less than $1 of your own money back.
Yes you do see ‘a ticket’ in your account but dont expect to collect a bigger ‘win’ than the amount that you ‘invested’. I did actually check my one of my scanned tickets with the genuine lotto provider and had won $200.
Icelotto had advised that I had lost !!!